Thursday, August 26, 2010

SIAP sudah | annualREPORT2009 psp

Alhamdulillah...setelah sekian lama team annual Report PSP bertungkus lumus menyiapkan laporan tahunan PSP, akhirnya tanggal 23 Ogos semuanya siap dicetak....dan inilah hasilnya

"Salam Nuzul Quran"

nak balik kampung kat kedah minggu ni

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Alhamdulillah...Ramadhan menjelma lagi. Baru saja rasanya kita berpuasa dan kini kita sekali lagi diizinkan Allah untuk mengaut segala kelebihan di bulan ini. Moga-moga kita diberi kekuatan oleh Allah SWT. amiin
Ramadhan Karim!

Monday, August 9, 2010

4 REASONS Every Windows User Should Have An Ubuntu LIVE CD

Think Ubuntu  is useless? Think again. Ubuntu can be an extremely effective tool for repairing and working on computers, even if you consider yourself a Windows purist. This is because Ubuntu is capable of loading completely from a Ubuntu Live CD, giving you access to your computer in ways Windows can’t – or when Windows is completely broken.

For this reason, I suggest every Windows user keeps a copy of Ubuntu on hand, even if they never intend to switch from Windows. Happily, Ubuntu is completely free to aquire. You can download Ubuntu and burn it yourself, but if that sounds like too much work you can request Ubuntu send you a Ubuntu Live CD for free.

Friday, August 6, 2010

tazkirah jumaat | 25 Syaaban 1431H

Pagi Jumaat...

Pada setiap Jumaat, selepas selesai menunaikan solat Jumaat, seorang Imam
dan anaknya yang berumur 7 tahun akan berjalan menyusuri jalan di kota itu
dan menyebarkan risalah bertajuk "Jalan-jalan Syurga" dan beberapa karya
Islamik yang lain.

-[ pakku ]-. Get yours at


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